Dealing with an unexpected pregnancy is enough to handle on its own, but it can feel especially challenging if you’re still continuing your education. The good news is, you can do it! Many women have dealt with the same issues of experiencing pregnancy while going to college.
How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Mentally?
Top 7 Pregnancy Symptoms
What Can I Do If My Partner Doesn't Support My Pregnancy?
How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?
What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?
The second trimester of pregnancy starts at 13 weeks and ends at 27 weeks. At the time of writing, Florida restricts abortion to a couple of weeks into the second trimester at week 15.
How To Tell Your Baby’s Father And Family You Are Pregnant
How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?
How Does Abortion End My Pregnancy?
Is Abortion My Only Option if I Don’t Have Any Money?
Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?
What Happens to Your Body After an Abortion?
Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?
What is a Medical Abortion?
How Does an Ultrasound Work?
3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion
What Is Ectopic Pregnancy?
A normal pregnancy begins with a fertilized egg attaching to the lining of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy is when a pregnancy occurs with a fertilized egg implanting or growing outside of the uterus.
What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?
When you think you may be pregnant, it can be tempting to consider if every feeling is a pregnancy symptom. Whether these feelings are exciting or anxiety-producing, be careful not to read too much into pregnancy symptoms. Most of the common pregnancy symptoms can also be attributed to other conditions.