What Are the Earliest Signs of Pregnancy?
Signs of pregnancy vary with each woman, because every woman and every pregnancy is different. But, the most significant pregnancy symptom is a missed period. You may start to experience some of these other symptoms within a week of conception, but most women report feeling symptoms about 4-6 weeks later.
Some Potential Early Signs of Pregnancy:
Fatigue: Feeling tired and exhausted is one of the most common symptoms in early pregnancy. According to the Mayo Clinic, this is caused by the high levels of the hormone progesterone during early pregnancy, which makes you feel sleepy.
Nausea: Morning sickness often begins within one month of pregnancy, and this nausea can be accompanied with or without vomiting. One important thing to note, morning sickness can happen at any time of day… not just the morning!
Breast tenderness and swelling: Hormonal changes that take place early in pregnancy can cause breasts to feel sore and tender, however, this will likely subside after a few weeks as your body becomes accustomed to these changes.
Increased Urination: This is also due to hormone changes as well as increased amounts of blood in the body during pregnancy, which causes your kidneys to produce extra fluid and ends up in your bladder. This symptom may last throughout your entire pregnancy.
Many other symptoms may accompany the ones just listed, but as stated, every pregnancy is different! Some of those other symptoms include: moodiness, bloating, light bleeding, light cramping, and constipation.
Determining If You Are Pregnant
While these symptoms can indicate pregnancy, some can also mean that you are potentially getting sick or about to start your period. Or, you could be pregnant without having any of these symptoms.
If you think you may be pregnant, or know you are pregnant and have questions about your symptoms, we would be happy to speak with you. Please call or text us for an appointment today at 352-629-2811. Women’s Pregnancy Center provides no-cost pregnancy tests, options counseling, and ultrasounds to support you during this time. An unplanned pregnancy may be scary, but Women’s Pregnancy Center can help you remove the fear and confusion through our free services and non-judgmental atmosphere.
Note: The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice