Maybe you are considering adoption as you review your pregnancy options. Adoption is the legal process that gives a person or couple the rights and responsibilities of a parent to a child who is not their biological child.
The three facts to know when considering adoption are that you have three adoption options, you choose the adoptive family, and free adoption support is available. In this blog, we expand upon all three.
#1: You Have Three Adoption Options
As the expectant mother, you have three adoption options to choose from. These options give you the ability to decide what kind of relationship you want with your child and adoptive family, if any.
Open Adoption Plan: With open adoption, you have open communication with the adoptive family and exchange names, addresses, and phone numbers. You both work together to make visits with one another and your child. It’s up to both parties to build the type of relationship they would like.
Closed Adoption Plan: With a closed adoption, the adoptive family and birth mom remain anonymous. The child’s birth certificate and identifying information are sealed after the adoption is finalized. Some women who choose this adoption plan feel they receive some sort of closure. If you are concerned for your child’s safety, this may be your best option.
Semi-open Adoption Plan: Thirdly, there is semi-open adoption. With this adoption type, it’s a mix of open and closed adoption. All communication between you and your child and the adoptive family is done through a third party, like an adoption agency or adoption specialist you’ve chosen.
#2: You Choose the Adoptive Family
With adoption, you, as the expectant mother, get to choose an adoptive family that seems fit to you. There are many adoptive families to choose from.
To select a family that fits you, you will be able to learn more about families that meet your preferences. Families go through an extensive process to be approved. The process includes things like criminal and abuse background checks, home studies, and a questionnaire covering hobbies, religion, income, education, etc.
If you do not want to select a family yourself, an adoption agency or a third party can choose one for you.
#3: Free Adoption Support is Available
Women’s Pregnancy Center offers free adoption support if you are considering this pregnancy option. We have trained adoption advocates who will walk a birth mother through their adoption plan, continuing to support her during pregnancy, birth, and even postpartum.
We know that no expectant mother is alike; each has their own story and life circumstances. Our adoption advocates will be right by your side as you walk through each step of the process and will be there to support you as much as you would like.
Learn more about adoption today. Schedule a free appointment to get the facts.