Supporting a friend during an unexpected pregnancy can seem overwhelming. Intentionally listening is one of the best ways to help your friend face an unexpected pregnancy. Though you may not have all the answers, your actions will speak louder than words right now.
Be A Safe Place
Your friend most likely already feels pressure to make a particular pregnancy decision. She could be putting pressure on herself, or her family or partner may have pressured her into a specific pregnancy decision.
The best thing you can do to support your friend during this time is to let her share her situation with you, with no pressure to respond immediately. Again, listening to her and letting her vent is essential.
You have the opportunity to be a safe place for your friend, someone she can be open and honest with—your support matters.
Go the Extra Mile
You know your friend well and what she loves. Cheer her up with kind gestures that you know she will appreciate. Here are some ideas:
Bring over her favorite snacks & a movie
Take her to her favorite restaurant
Invite her over and cook for her
Write her a note with words of encouragement
Get her favorite coffee order
These little things can bring your friend joy and love during such a challenging and intense season. Be intentional when visiting your friend and share acts of kindness.
Encourage Her to Seek Clarity
The decision is ultimately up to your friend, even if she asks you your opinion regarding her options. Direct her to seek clarity about her pregnancy with free pregnancy confirmation services at our center. These services also safeguard her health by confirming her options.
Everyone deserves the facts about all their options during an unexpected pregnancy. We can help your friend feel informed and equipped to make a decision.
She can schedule a free and confidential appointment with us today.