How Does an Ultrasound Work?

Ultrasounds are vital for pregnant women as they assess the pregnancy’s health and can identify certain complications. If you’re pregnant, an obstetric ultrasound is essential, regardless of your pregnancy decision.

This scan uses sound waves to produce an image of your body’s internal structure. It can note key aspects of pregnancy and protect your health. Obstetric ultrasounds can be performed transvaginally, which is invasive, or by using a transducer against your abdomen after applying gel. This exam is safe and poses no health risks.

What Can Ultrasound Reveal About a Pregnancy?

Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy with a test, you may believe you have all the necessary information. There is still an additional step to confirm the status of your pregnancy: an ultrasound.

Obstetric ultrasounds are helpful as they measure these key pregnancy characteristics: 


Ultrasounds determine whether you have a viable pregnancy with a heartbeat. Up to 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage before 20 weeks gestation. If an ultrasound determines you have had a miscarriage, you may need additional treatment to ensure the pregnancy tissue passes. 

You are ineligible for abortion if you have had a miscarriage. Taking abortion medications like mifepristone can be dangerous and cause severe side effects if you do not have an ultrasound to verify your pregnancy first.

Gestational Age

Knowing your gestational age, or how far along you are, is critical. In Florida, abortion is illegal after 15 weeks. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a new ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, but this is pending review.

Currently, if your gestational age exceeds 15 weeks, you cannot get an abortion in Florida unless it is to save your life or the fetus has a fatal abnormality. 


Your pregnancy’s location is vital. An ultrasound determines if you have an ectopic pregnancy when the fertilized egg implants in a location other than the uterus. If this condition is left untreated, it is extremely dangerous.

Abortion does not treat ectopic pregnancy. You must take medication or have surgery to remove the pregnancy and safeguard your health.

We’re Here to Help

Women’s Pregnancy Center provides the information and care you need. We offer no-cost, limited obstetrical ultrasounds at our location. 

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Get the answers you require!