Maybe you’ve taken a home test or maybe you’ve missed a period, but either way, you think you might be pregnant. Now what?
You may be wondering if the results of the test you took are accurate. Many at home pregnancy tests claim to be 99% accurate in their results. But, this all depends on if the test is taken at the right time. According to the Mayo Clinic, the home pregnancy test works by detecting a hormone in your urine called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). The earlier after a missed period that you take a home pregnancy test, the harder it is for the test to detect HCG. For the most accurate results, test at least one week after a missed period.
Take a Breath
You may be feeling a wide range of emotions after finding out you are pregnant, which is completely natural. Whatever you are feeling, the first thing we recommend is to take a deep breath. When faced with the unexpected, it is always best to take a step back, breathe, and think through your response to the situation. The best decisions are made by gathering factual information and seeking help from trustworthy sources.
Schedule An Appointment
After you have taken some time for yourself, consider making an appointment at Women’s Pregnancy Center for another test. The first reason you should do this is to verify pregnancy. It is also important to have an ultrasound, which will date the pregnancy as well as determine viability. We offer ultrasounds at WPC as well, but your first appointment with us is always a pregnancy test appointment, even if you have taken a home test. These are both important steps when making a decision regarding your pregnancy.
Gather Information
We always recommend you gather all possible information before making your decision, because we believe an informed decision is an empowered decision. At WPC, we are here to provide you with the most factual information surrounding abortion, adoption, and parenting. At your appointment, we will be able to provide you with the necessary information and resources to make an educated decision.
Find Support
No matter the outcome of your pregnancy decision, it is vitally important that you find people in your life who will be a safe place for you during this time. If you’d like, we would love to offer a listening ear and walk alongside you through this journey. We are passionate about serving women and men in unplanned pregnancy, and we are here to help you!
Finally, take a moment to reflect. Many decisions may lay ahead, but by taking these few steps, you’ll be able to make an empowered choice.
Note: The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice